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Orders are dispatched from the VIRPIL EU HO based in Lithuania.
Select this store if you are based in the EU, or another country not covered by the other stores.
Orders are dispatched from the VIRPIL EU HO based in Lithuania.
Select this store if you are based in the UK.
Orders are dispatched from the VIRPIL UK distribution warehouse based in the United Kingdom.
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Orders are dispatched from the VIRPIL US distribution warchouse based in Florida, United States.
volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis
volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis
Select this store if you are based in the EU, or another country not covered by the other stores.
Orders are dispatched from the VIRPIL EU HO based in Lithuania.
Select this store if you are based in the UK.
Orders are dispatched from the VIRPIL UK distribution warehouse based in the United Kingdom.
Select this store if you are based in the US, Canada or Mexico.
Orders are dispatched from the VIRPIL US distribution warchouse based in Florida, United States.
volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis
volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis
The VIRPIL Controls Black Friday 2023 Event will be active from:
13th November 2023 until 3rd December 2023 (23:59 UTC)
For every VIRPIL Controls device added to the cart, the Black Friday Sale discount will increase by 5% to a maximum of 25% Off on VPC devices.
The following VPC Device categories will increase the discount by 5%.
★ Flightstick Grip
★ Flightstick Base
★ Collective Grip
★ Collective Base
★ Throttle
★ Control Panel
★ Rudder Pedals
In-stock and backorder products only. Pre-order devices will not increase the total order discount amount, nor receive the discount.
The VIRPIL Controls Black Friday Sale will also discount all VIRPIL Accessories by 10%.
All applicable discounts are automatically applied on the checkout page and listed in the "Discount" line.