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volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit amet massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis
★ Compact Counter-Balance Kit
★ Fully Adjustable Force
★ Compatible with all VPC Rotor TCS Bases
★ Provides Unparalleled Axis Smoothness and Precision
★ Easy to Fit
Take your VPC Rotor Collective Base to the next level!
After reviewing feedback and working closely with the community, the VIRPIL Controls engineers have developed a compact, highly adjustable solution to provide a counter-balance force on your VPC Rotor Collective.
By applying a counter-balancing force, the clutch dampers can be tuned less aggressively as they are not solely responsible for holding the Collective's axis position. Resulting in improved axis response, which is smoother and more responsive!
What's in the Box:
Product Weight (kg): N/A
Product Dimensions (mm): N/A
Compatible with the following grips:
* Remove the 2 bolts holding the female grip connector in place when attaching TM grips to prevent damage to the connectors. Refer to the user manual for more information.